Kamis, 29 Agustus 2013

Science and Technology Development in Indonesia

Developments in science and technology and are often referred to science and technology is currently growing rapidly . All countries vying to advance the science and technology that the country is known by developed countries in the field of science and technology . With the development of science and technology in a country would have a positive impact on the state and society
Among them there are in the country to facilitate the work of man . On the one hand , the development of science and technology is so awesome it has brought tremendous benefits for the progress of human civilization . The types of jobs that previously required considerable physical abilities , is now relatively devices can be replaced by automated machines . Science and technology progress we have achieved now really been recognized and felt provide a lot of convenience and comfort for human life . Contribution of science and technology on civilization and human welfare can not be denied . But man can not deceive ourselves also the fact that science and technology will wreak havoc and misery for mankind .

The development of Information Technology has been so rapid that it is difficult for us to control it . Positive and negative impacts of the use of IT is definitely there and naturally we are aware of this . Information technology is a key proponent of the terselenggarakannya globalization . With the support of information technology , information in any form and to share interests , can be shared / disseminated easily , so it can quickly affect the outlook and lifestyle to the culture of a society , even individuals . This speeds up the development of the information technology flows overwhelm all aspects of life , so it seems we are constantly supplied and fed by technological developments constantly increasing , so we are not able to filter out mentally .
The positive impact of information technology is the change in the values ​​and patterns of thinking , the development of science and technology , and a better standard of living . The development of modern information technology in this day and age can be seen from the irrational thinking into rational society . Rational ways of thinking caused by the development of information technology , people can easily obtain information from all sides and angles of view quickly and easily . Changing the mindset of the people because with the development of information technology , people can learn new things that they think might previously did not exist and will never happen , but after the introduction of information technology , people can read or even see the wide window on the development of age civilization which represents things that are new and evolving .
With the development of science and technology community in the move easier and encouraged to think more progress in improving the development of science present time . So it can be said that , with the development of information technology can improve the motivation of the community to advance the life skill of human resources . And with the motivation and efforts of the community to improve the quality of human resources is offset by the development of science and technology , people will be more productive and innovative . With the development of science and technology , people can find jobs and business opportunities that can increase the quantity of the life to come .
On the other hand , the development of information technology does not entirely have a positive impact on lives , but the development of information technology will also have a negative impact as well . The negative impact of the development of information technology is the consumptive lifestyle , individualistic attitude , westernized lifestyle , social inequality , and crime .
The development of modern information technology is growing rapidly and make the provision of information is increasing rapidly and abound. That way people are easily attracted to consume a wide range of information presented in it , from various directions, local , as well as to international corners . Logically, consuming a variety of information will increase knowledge within and outside the country , but it must also be balanced with the filter information . If it is not offset by the filter information , then that will happen is bring consumptive lifestyle , so people can not sort out which information is truly needed and useful information that is or should be discarded .
The second impact is mamunculkan individualistic attitude . Individualistic attitudes in adulthood occurs because these people are pampered with a variety of information technology products that are more advanced and more modern , so that people do not need to laboriously to obtain the information needed . Thus less people interact with one another just to share information . This sort of thing tends to lead to people living individualistic .
The development of information technology also affect people’s lifestyles , especially young people and teenagers . Patterns Westernized lifestyle now widely applied in the pattern of life and lifestyle of the people of Indonesia. Though not all western culture well and properly used in Indonesia. Negative culture that began to shift the child’s native culture is no longer respect for parents , teens free life , free sex , using drugs , drinking alcohol and others. So it can be said , at this time most of our culture , namely Indonesian culture has been displaced by the culture and westernized style .
Social inequality to be negatively impacted by the development of information technology . If in a community, there are very few individuals who can take the current development of information technology will deepen the gap between individual to individual . In other words, individuals are able to keep abreast of the times has its own gaps of individuals who are not able to follow the process . This can lead to social inequalities between individuals from one another , which can be hooked as individualistic attitude .
The negative impact of developments in information technology are not spared from crime . Crime often happens in big cities because of the depletion of a sense of kinship , attitude of individualism , the high level of competition and consumer lifestyle . Crime using information technology is web piracy , ATM burglary , hijacking state codes , video insertion porn , fraud , forgery , etc. . Misuse of information technology is becoming a matter that needs to be fixed , where improvements are aimed at creating an environment conducive to the use of information technology .

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